National uniform legislation - Official versions

Australian Road Rules

Australian Road Rules, as amended by the Australian Road Rules (Driver Distraction) Amendment 2021, the Australian Road Rules (Motor Bike Helmets) Amendment 2021 and the Australian Road Rules Amendments 2023.

Child Protection (International Measures) Bill

Model Child Protection (International Measures) Bill prepared by the Parliamentary Counsel's Committee and approved by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General on 8 November 2002.

Commercial Arbitration

Model Commercial Arbitration Bill 2010 prepared by the Parliamentary Counsel's Committee and approved by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General on 7 May 2010.

Criminal Code

Model Criminal Code prepared by the Parliamentary Counsel's Committee. The Code has been prepared as a law of a State or Territory. The Code is a collation of draft provisions in various separate reports of the Model Criminal Code Officers Committee (and its successor, the Model Criminal Law Officers Committee) of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General.

Defamation Provisions

Domestic Violence Orders

Domestic Violence Orders (National Recognition) Model Provisions

Uniform Evidence Bill

Model Uniform Evidence Bill prepared by the Parliamentary Counsel's Committee and endorsed by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General on 26 July 2007, as amended by model provisions that the Committee agreed to include in the Model Uniform Evidence Bill on 7 May 2010 and amendments agreed to by the Council of Attorneys-General on 29 November 2019.
The Model Bill is based on the NSW Evidence Act 1995, as amended by the model Evidence Amendment Bill 2007, the 7 May 2010 amendments and the 29 November 2019 amendments.

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law

Health Practitioner Regulation National Law prepared by the Parliamentary Counsel's Committee and approved by the Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council in September 2009.

Heavy Vehicle Charges Model Law

Heavy Vehicle Charges Model Law as amended by the following:

  1. Heavy Vehicle Charges Amendment (Annual Registration Charges) Model Law 2021
  2. Heavy Vehicle Charges Amendment (Annual Registration Charges) Model Law 2022
  3. Heavy Vehicle Charges Amendment (Annual Registration Charges) Model Law 2023
  4. Heavy Vehicle Charges Amendment (Annual Registration Charges) Model Law 2024

Legal Profession legislation

2nd Edition

Model provisions approved by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General in August 2006.
This revised and re-arranged Edition includes in the headnotes comparative references ("cf") containing information with respect to the Victorian and NSW legal profession legislation, and the equivalent provisions in the 1st Edition of the Model provisions.
Model Regulations were approved by the Standing Committee on 11 April 2007.

1st Edition

First version of the Model provisions as approved by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General in July 2004.
Model Regulations were approved by the Standing Committee on 28/29 July 2005 for adoption in connection with the Model provisions.

Light Vehicle Standards

Australian Light Vehicle Standards Rules 2015, as amended by amendments approved on 22 November 2019, 20 November 2020 and 9 December 2022.

Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Bill

Model referral Bill for the Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2009 prepared by the Parliamentary Counsel's Committee and approved by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General in June 2009. The tabled text referred to in that Bill and as first tabled in the NSW Legislative Assembly is also available.

Proportionate Liability Provisions

Proportionate Liability Model Provisions prepared by the Parliamentary Counsel's Committee and released by the Standing Committee on Law and Justice in October 2013.

Spent Convictions Bill

Model Spent Convictions Bill 2009 prepared by the Parliamentary Counsel's Committee and released by the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General in November 2009.

Succession (International Wills)

Model Succession Amendment (International Wills) Bill 2012 prepared by Parliamentary Counsel's Committee to give effect to a decision of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General on 2 July 2010. The model provisions have been drafted as amendments to the NSW Succession Act 2006, which reflects the model succession law project on wills enacted in other jurisdictions. Each jurisdiction will need to tailor the amendments to take account of their local legislation.

Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road or Rail

Model Act on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road or Rail

Model Subordinate Instrument on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road or Rail (as at 5 June 2020) including amendments in Model Subordinate Instrument on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road or Rail Amendment 2020.

Work Health and Safety

Model Work Health and Safety Bill, as amended by the following:

  1. 9 December 2019 amendments
  2. Model Work Health and Safety Legislation Amendment 2022
  3. Model Work Health and Safety Legislation Amendment (Offences and Penalties) 2023
  4. Model Work Health and Safety Legislation Amendment (Gross Negligence Offences) 2023

Model Work Health and Safety Regulations, as amended by the following:

  1. 9 December 2019 amendments
  2. Model Work Health and Safety Regulations (Hazardous Chemicals) Amendment 2020
  3. Model Work Health and Safety Legislation Amendment 2022
  4. Model Work Health and Safety Regulations (Engineered Stone) Amendment 2023
  5. Model Work Health and Safety Legislation Amendment (Offences and Penalties) 2023
  6. Model Work Health and Safety Regulations (Engineered Stone) Amendment 2024